Category Archives: Japan


Hokkaido – northern sea

For the thrill-seeking traveller in search of sweeping vistas, amazing wildlife (incl. bears), wide open roads and overwhelming emptiness, Hokkaido is a refreshing contrast to the crushing density of Honshu. In fact, the image of […]


Kagoshima / Yakushima – forest spirits

An overnight stay was planned in Kagoshima, but due to typhoon ‘Roke’ the ferry to Yakushima was cancelled and I had an extra day of relaxation and shopping. With one day short on Yakushima and […]


Ishigaki / Okinawa – tropical islands

After a 30h trip from Zurich, Tokyo, Okinawa to Ishigaki, I spent 9 days relaxing in the tropical south of Japan. Being the only person at the pool or beach during the day, I was […]


Japan – complete travel gallery

40+ bonus pictures and the whole trip report in one click can be viewed in the Travels section. Mt. Misen panoramic view:


Tokyo – in and around the metropolis

Back in town slowly fading out the trip to Japan. Regardless, I did two day trips to the Izu peninsula and the Fuji five lakes region. The remaining days I spent subway-hopping in Tokyo. Thank […]


Kyushu – five days around the island

The last couple of days I have been travelling quit a bit and also more spontaneous than before. The sense of backpacking came with it and it felt very good! After a quick stop in […]


Osaka to Hiroshima – along the Inland Sea

Traveling along the Inland Sea from Osaka to Hiroshima with stops in Himeji (castle) and Miyajima (floating gate). The Shinkansen makes the voyage very efficient and there haven’t been any extraordinary mishaps. Smooth riding all […]


Kyoto / Nara – the ancient Japan

Learning the daily basics like ordering food, taking the bus, riding trains (changed trains at Tokyo station!), using vending machines… is a lot of fun. Kyoto is used to tourists and is therefore perhaps a […]


Tokyo – the first steps in Japan

A nice heat wave and a wet taifun welcomed me in Tokyo this week. Add a decent jet lag to all of this and some pretty slow days turned out at the beginning of my […]